Friday, March 13, 2015

Cleasing the soul

When I was 10, my dad took us, my sister and I to live with him and my grandparents so I had to change school again. I adapted fairly in my new school, made few friends and just overall being a kid. So at school we had this subject Pendidikan Moral and all of us non-muslims had to go to the other class as our class was used to teach Pendidikan Islam. In my first day of class of that particular subject my teacher wanted us to sit in a group of 5 students. I don't remember my group members quite well but I do remember this one student in my group who really hurt my feelings and made me felt like hell. He bullied me. Bad. 

He was considered the big boy in our class and everyone was scared of him and out of many kids in my class he picked me, a small and scared little girl to bully. He called me names, making fun of my face, pulled my uniform and even though I cried he just didn't stop. And the bullying continue for a year. The teacher who supposed to teach us that subject wasn't there all the time and she had us do our own thing while she was out for hours. I never told my dad about this. I tried asking help from my other group members but they didn't dare to make him stop. There were times when I tried to be nice with him like giving him candy just to make him forget about bullying me but it didn't work. He made fun of my face and my appearance and made the other students to see me the way he sees me. 

After a year I was so glad we were not in the same class and I made him invisible in my life until I went to secondary school. He went to different school and I never heard of him since. But until recently, I just heard from a friend that he died about a year after we all went to secondary school. Despite all the bullying,  I had forgiven him long before he died and I since we changed classes never thought much about him and the bullying and just go on with my life. I really do sorry for his passing and I pray to God to bless his soul. 

Forgiving others is just another way to cleanse the soul even though the pain is still there. Time does heal all wounds. 

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